Gold and Silver Forum

Our Feature Article: What Do Silver and Gold Buy? A model for possible future bartering with gold and silver in the case of a currency collapse.

A view on silver monetization: A Discussion of Precisous Metals as Money, Hugo Salinas Price

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Gold-Silver.US Forum

Some of our boards:

Precious Metals

Gold, Silver, Precious Metals, Discuss gold, silver and other precious metals
Gold, specific discussion on gold, gold coins, gold bullion, etc.
Silver, specific discussion on silver, silver coins, silver bullion, etc.
Platinum, specific discussion on platinum
Palladium, specific discussion on palladium
Other precious metals, discuss other precious metals
Rare earths, discuss rare earth metals
Other Metals: discuss copper, nickel and all other metals
Numismatics, discuss coin collecting, grading and numismatics in general
Minting, refining, mining, panning: discuss the core technologies that lead up to coins, bullion, etc.
Technological Uses of Metals, discuss interesting applications for various metals and materials

General Topics

General Discussion, feel free to talk about anything and everything in this board.
News and Current Events, discuss news and events of the day.

The Homestead

Preparedness, discuss preparedness issues and ideas
Firearms, discuss your favorite firearms, ammunition. etc.
Wilderness Survival, discuss wilderness survival tactics and techniques
Gardening and Farming, discuss gardening and farming
Dogs, Horses, Livestock, Animal Husbandry: discuss animals and livestock
Cooking, discuss cooking, BBQ, beer making, etc.
Canning, discuss how to preserve food
Health and Fitness, discuss health and fitness issues
Colloidal Silver, a board for discussing an interestng application of one of our favorite metals


Religion and Philosophy, discuss religion, philosophy and related topics
Finance and Economics, discuss general issues of finance and economics
Derivatives, a board to discuss derivatievs and structured finance
Federal Reserve, discuss the federal reserve
Stocks-bonds-options-etfs, discuss paper investments
Politics, discuss general political topics
Constitution and Law, discuss the constitution and legal issues
Ron Paul, discuss Ron Paul, Tea Party, and related issues
Science, Technology, and Medicine, discuss the role of science in our lives
Conspiracy Theories, a board to discuss conspiracy theories
9/11, discuss what really happened on 9/11

Member Only Boards